Monday, November 2, 2009


Longest Ampalaya- At first glance, you might think "What kind of stuff is this?...and if i say it's Ampalaya,sure you won't believe me'!,...yes! it's true. It's a crossbreed from Philippine ampalaya seed and imported ampalaya which the product measured 4ft long and 2inch wide. whew!. skin is smoother and shiny compared to Philippine ampalaya's curved layered outside and it grows only up to 1 foot long when mature. The leaves is also different compared to native. The stuff maybe less bitter than Philippine Ampalaya. Demo plant of this variety is located along Saguitarius st. GSIS Village Matina Davao City. Thanks to my model Mr. James Infiesto...


  1. We also have the same ampalaya plant here in San Pedro, Laguna..It's really is better than the native ampalaya because it is not bitter..That is why kids will surely love it. It is also good if you cook it with corned beef or grined pork..
