Friday, November 20, 2009


For those who are fun with Cockfighting or breeding a fighting cock, you should get some gins from this rooster. Its feathers are same with laying hen. This cock aged 3 years old and survived four (4) times in cockfight. But big time handler told this one is not accepted in a major derby.


Anyone?..... What is this? ....It's a rare! leaves looks like "Gabi" the buds is similar to motion picture "Extra Terrestrial" (E.T). It has two different shape. three eyelets inside while the other has four which you call it E. T. face. I got this picture long time ago. It took me long to published it on my blog.

Monday, November 2, 2009


CORCOLON GOLDEN SQUASH- It looks like a Papaya right? but it's a BPI GOLDEN SQUASH better known as CORCOLON Golden Squash which can be grown even at the pot. This ingeniuos idea of MR. MARIO CORCOLON has solved the problem of transplanting vegetable seedlings to backyard farm. The Former Chemist of Bureau of Plants and Industry of the Department of Agriculture developed after rigid selection the Davao wonder bean from messian seed obtained from the United States of America. The plant matures early has a high yield and the bean blend well into many dishes and recipes. Mr. Corcolon also developed a Golden Squash Variety which not only early maturing but which housewives can grow even in flower pots. This variety have given profitable crops to a backyard growers throughout the country and have made available to countless families source of protein and vitamins.


Longest Ampalaya- At first glance, you might think "What kind of stuff is this?...and if i say it's Ampalaya,sure you won't believe me'!,...yes! it's true. It's a crossbreed from Philippine ampalaya seed and imported ampalaya which the product measured 4ft long and 2inch wide. whew!. skin is smoother and shiny compared to Philippine ampalaya's curved layered outside and it grows only up to 1 foot long when mature. The leaves is also different compared to native. The stuff maybe less bitter than Philippine Ampalaya. Demo plant of this variety is located along Saguitarius st. GSIS Village Matina Davao City. Thanks to my model Mr. James Infiesto...